Out of Universe - the author's choices dictated a focus on narrative rather than world-building
A focus upon Tris' narrative, and writing the story from her viewpoint (that of someone who spent her early-life in Abnegation), means the story naturally leans towards descriptions of how Abnegation is seen by the other factions. And the decision to make Abnegation a faction that is openly mocked may have been made to engender sympathy from readers towards Tris.
(Credit to "@recognizer" for this point raised in the comments to the question.)
In Universe - Abnegation's unique qualities and responsibilities make them a target (perhaps a greater target than any other faction is) for ridicule, including an unflattering nickname like "Stiffs"
Abnegation is responsible almost solely for the political administration of the city (the exception being Jeanine Matthews). Their position of power and authority leads to resentment among various other factions and faction members, in particular Erudite and their leader Jeanine Matthews. This resentment could be a driver towards the creation of an unflattering nickname for the Abnegation.
Further, the personality of Abnegation encourages selflessness in its members. This trait means that the Abnegation are not predisposed to concern themselves with the names that other factions may give to them. Therefore the Abnegation are not going to defend themselves against ridicule, and as such unflattering nicknames about their faction may pass unchecked between the other factions.
In short, Abnegation is an easy target for ridicule; there is motive to ridicule them, and due to Abnegation's lack of interest defending itself, the ridicule can spread.
We cannot say for certain that other factions are not subjected to any kind of ridicule (they almost certainly are), but it does appear that Abnegation bore the brunt. The reason for this could be that the grudge that Erudite bears towards Abnegation makes theirs the most strained, bitter and divisive relationship that any two factions have in the books. Other factions are likely less-inclined to come up with unflattering nicknames for each other.
Furthermore, at the start of the books Erudite is on good terms with both Amity and Dauntless, and neutral terms with Candor. In many ways they are the most well-connected and (outside of Abnegation's political stranglehold) influential faction in the city. Other factions may therefore have become predisposed to perpetuate ridicule towards Abnegation through their relations with Erudite. (Although doubtless the other factions do not feel as bitterly towards Abnegation as Erudite do, they may have picked up the habit of ridiculing Abnegation by association).