In The Alloy of Law, Miles Hundred-Lives is a double gold twinborn.
This means he can burn gold to see visions of his possible alternative past, (Allomancy) and tap/fill gold to retrieve/store health (Feruchemy).
Since he can burn the same metal he can tap/fill, he can use "Compounding" to gain massive amounts of health (thus making him heal almost instantly from anything)
How do the mechnics for doing this work?
My understanding is:
- He wears gold (his gold-mind piecings etc),
and fills them with X minutes of healing
(ie the amound of healing as a he would normally do in X minutes - he could Tap it as fast as he wanted, and take as much time as he wanted to fill it (for a normal Feruchemist this would be >X minutes)) - He removes his gold minds and aranges them into consumable form (cutting them down to size). He consumes them, and by Allomantically Burning them, gains additional healing equal to roughly 10*X. He does not see visions of his possible alternitive past. (Which means a filled gold mind can no longer be burnt normally by the person who did the filling, right?)
- He can use (some of) this extra health to repeat from step 1, and can easily fill the new minds with much more than X minutes of health, easily.
Have I got this right?