In the end of the Legends of Tomorrow episode Blood Ties, Rip Hunter manages to
kill this Vandal Savage fellow by stabbing him in the neck. After that, the group laments that Vandal is sure to reincarnate, because he can only be killed by stabbing him with a very particular knife held by a particular person.
The ship AI suggests checking out the year 1986 as the time Vandal has become active again, and the episode ends.
Now, in episode one, Hunter has some sort of flashing kidnapping-gun that he uses to bring together the group of people he wishes to work with. And Vandal has been
incapacitated anyway by the aforementioned stabby-stabby, and the henchmen seem scattered, so Hunter&co seem pretty much free to do whatever they want with him. But they just leave.
So anyhow: why is it not considered a viable solution to cement Vandal's body in a block of iron reinforced concrete or other resilient material - and drop the thing down the Mariana Trench or somewhere in outer space (the ship apparently being capable of travelling to any time and place) or eject it in the time limbo thingy? Even if he is ever recovered, which is unlikely, but if he would be, then by that time he would surely have lost his mind and not be of any harm.
Nobody in the show even considers any sort of imprisonment as a solution - so there must be some reason behind it (or, of course, possibly it's just a supermassive plothole). Answers based on any source material are ok. Having never read a single DC comic book, I'm just curious as to the logic of this show.
Well, come to think of it, they could also have picked up Vandal's lifeless body and brought it to the Hawk lady so she could stab him whenever she wakes up... no?