The question addresses an event in the third season of the TV show The Vampire Diaries.
In the universe of The Vampire Diaries, a vampire cannot enter a house without being invited as long as it is owned/occupied by a living person. Towards the end of season two of The Vampire Diaries, Elena got the deed to the Salvatore home to provide her with a safe place. However, in season three episode six, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Rebekah, one of the original vampires, walked into the house without an invitation from Elena. How was Rebekah able to do this?
- Did I miss when Elena invited her in? I do not think this is true since from the dialogue in the scene, Rebekah indicated this was her first time inside the house.
- Are original vampires not limited in this way? This cannot be true because I remember in season two when Elena woke up Elijah, another original vampire, he had to go outside the house very quickly because he was not invited in.
- Does Elena not own the house anymore?
- Is this an error on the show writer's part?