The character is commonly known as Terra and she was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, appearing in New Teen Titans #26 (1982).
In the comic canon her name was Tara Markov. She is best remembered as a Modern Age Teen Titan whose power included terrakinesis, a form of limited telekinesis centered around the movement of mass quantities of Earth.
Her control of the Earth was so powerful she could use her abilities to lift herself and in essence fly as long as she could manipulate the material. She could also shape the material creating hands or barriers. She was very skilled in the use of her powers.
In the comics Terra was a spy sent to infiltrate the Teen Titans to destabilize the group for Slade Wilson. It was implied that Tara operations as a mercenary drove her insane over time.
Her brother, Geo-Force also had similar powers and at one point considered murdering Slade Wilson, holding him complicit for her madness.
The character has appeared in Young Justice, Teen Titans and Teen Titan's Go series in variations on her original costume. Despite her criminal background the character enjoys a modest bit of fame outside of the comics which is rare for a character who started her career as a criminal.