I understand that much of the fifth season of The Clone Wars TV series went to further explore Anakin's motivations at the climax of RotS, however I am interested if those events particularly impacted on the relationship between Anakin and Tarkin during the Imperial Era.
The principal incident I am thinking of is Tarkin's involvement in
the trial of Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's padawan, for the bomb in the Jedi Temple.
While Tarkin wasn't the prime target of Anakin's anger over this event, I can't help but feel that, given what happened later, it would still remain with him into the post RotS events where we see that he and Tarkin have to continue to work together, right up to ANH where they are together on the Death Star.
Bear in mind that once he becomes a Sith Sidious would have encouraged Vader to hold onto his anger (as well as his hatred and fear) as this is likely to be central in ensuring the loyalty of his new apprentice.
Is there any documented evidence of Anakin expressing any lingering anger towards Tarkin over this?