The Ministry of Magic would presumably see this as a way to discredit future attempts to expose the existence of the wizarding world.
In the the TV show Stargate: SG-1 season 5 episode 12, "Wormhole X-Treme!", an individual named Lloyd has inside knowledge about the existence and workings of the top-secret Stargate program. Llyod then releases this information in the form of sci-fi/fantasy entertainment for everyday civilians to enjoy.
From Wikipedia:
The military tracks down Lloyd [...] and discovers that he has become the creative consultant for a television series whose concept he sold to a Hollywood studio, Wormhole X-Treme!. The parallels between Wormhole X-Treme! and the real SGC are clear. The Air Force had decided that while being a breach of secrecy, the show could prevent any future leaks of information about the Stargate program from being taken seriously.
In the same way that The Air Force decided to ignore the breach of their secrecy since the show would prevent future leaks of information about the Stargate program being taken seriously, it's possible that, in the event of someone with knowledge of the wizarding world basing theme park attractions on the life of Harry Potter and events of the Second Wizarding War, the Ministry of Magic would ignore the existence of said Harry Potter theme parks for the same reason - to prevent future breaches of the statute of secrecy from being taken seriously by the Muggle community. If some Muggle tries to expose the existence of the wizarding world after that, people will just laugh and say "You're clearly taking the Harry Potter theme parks much too seriously; it's just pretend" or something like that.