So, a bit ago I ran across a question on Superman's secret identity, where one of the answers reminded me of that ability known as super-hypnotism.
If I recall correctly, the power was 'discovered' by Superman, as a kind of retroactive explanation for why people weren't connecting the dots between his identities, or even commenting on the obvious physical similarity. The question is, has there been any in-universe discussion of the ethics of that power?
I remember being under the impression that the character himself treated it as an explanation, a reason why his disguise worked as well as it seemed to... instead of noticing or caring that he seemed to have no control over the power, no idea what it had been influencing, or how to stop it. All that ethical stuff.
On the other hand, I'm only somewhat familiar with the source comics - perhaps I just missed that discussion, or it happened sometime later or in a different iteration.