Has anyone been beamed into the future or past on purpose or by accident? Or is this even considered possible in any Star Trek universe?
In this question it states how beaming works, Why do people step to positions to be transported, even if there isn't a transporter pad?
From the question above:
A typical transport sequence began with a coordinate lock, during which the destination was verified and programmed, via the targeting scanners. Obtaining or maintaining a transporter lock enables the transporter operator to know the subject's location, even in motion, allowing the beaming process to start more quickly. This is an essential safety precaution when a starship away team enters a potentially dangerous situation that would require an emergency beam-out.
A transporter lock was usually maintained by tracing the homing signal of a communicator or combadge. When there was a risk that such devices would be lost in the field or are otherwise unavailable, personnel could be implanted with a subcutaneous transponder before an away mission, to still provide a means to maintain a transporter lock. Alternatively, sensors could be used to scan for the biosign or energy signature of a subject, which could then be fed into the transporter's targeting scanner for a lock.
So it seems the transporter is guided by co-ordinates, which means it is not line of sight (Correct me if I am misinterpreting this) What I was thinking was there was a possibility that co-ordinates(spacial and time) in the future could be used to transport someone there. If this makes it harder or easier for say ,something like being beamed into the past or future, regardless if it was only minutes or even distant future or past.