I've only remember reading a very small section of it, mainly it was referred to in a discussion about "The Dark Forest" Theory on Reddit, however for the life of me I can't find the post again. The person posting the section argued that its not irrational for an alien civilisation to seek to destroy other potential rivals from forming by kinetically bombarding the rival's home planet using an asteroid during its infancy. This is because, to the dominant alien, there is a limited supply of resources in the universe and to let other species develop into space-faring species which can challenge them directly for it is insensible.
The premise of the story is that the impact event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was actually caused by them, they launched the asteroid at Earth hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions of years, before any advanced life form existed. The goal is for the asteroid to hit the Earth when an intelligent life just start to develop technology, but early enough so that no defence can stop the asteroid, hence stopping a potential rival from ever making to the space faring stage. However despite the perfect hit using classical physics, even when the journey was hundreds of millions of years, their prediction were off as life on Earth developed more slowly than they estimated, ironically it was precisely that event that gave chance to our evolution.
This is more or less something discovered from a dialogue between two scientists from the story, I'm not sure if they found what technology is left of the now extinct alien race and discovered that fact by accident through examination of some remnant database on an exploration voyage, or they were at war with the alien race and found out through hacking and/or interrogation.
Again I'm not sure if this is a short story or a novel, I can't remember well enough as this was something I stumbled across and didn't think to save. I'm sorry if I don't have a lot of relevant information, just merely a short description, however this is all I can remember given my terrible memory.