In Star Wars, the Aurebesh is the alphabet used to write Basic. It's essentially a substitution cypher for English, but, as originally created for the West End Games RPG, it also had some single letters that stood in for English digraphs. For example, Thresh stands for "th" as in both "this" and "theater" (but not "knighthood"); Krenth stands for "kh".
The character Orenth stands for "oo", and it's here my question lies. I'm not sure if it's for only the "oo" sound as in "too", "stool", and "pool", or if it's for any sound that "oo" makes, as in "door", "blood", or "floor".
The examples I recall seeing when I've seen examples at all fall into the "too" category, although now that I go searching for examples again I can't find any.
The word "door" has always been spelled Dorn-Osk-Osk-Resh on the doors on the Star Tours ride at Disneyland, although that could just be from ignorance and/or laziness.
When "oo" is two separate sounds, as in "cooperate", or "zoology", I'd definitely use double Osk instead.
Additionally, according to the Aurebesh entry on Wookieepedia, current canon sources are inconsistent as to whether any of the digraph characters are used at all. And, Answers to the related question, In Star Wars, which is more common, thresh or trill herf?, say that most canon sources that are not gibberish don't use the digraphs. I actually like them, though, so if they aren't totally thrown out, I'd prefer to use them when making my own materials.
Is Orenth used only for "oo" as in "too", for any use of "oo" as a single sound, or not used any more because it's been relegated to Legends status?