In the Star Wars universe, which planet resembles Earth the most, considering these factors:
Distance to nearest star/sun
Amount of water/land
Variety of species
Variety of landscapes
In the Star Wars universe, which planet resembles Earth the most, considering these factors:
Distance to nearest star/sun
Amount of water/land
Variety of species
Variety of landscapes
Two important preliminary notes:
That said, of the named planets, Corellia seems to have the greatest canonical evidence of being like Earth.
As for its terrain, the Databank describes it thus:
Forests, Jungles, Urban
So it definitely has at least forests, jungles, and cities, which makes three different terrain types. This beats Scarif, for example.
However, it also probably has deserts. The sand panther is mentioned in canon (Star Wars Insider #156). In Legends, it was known as the Corellian sand panther, and, as the name implies, lived primarily in deserts. Thus it seems likely that Corellia still has deserts in canon.
Another plausible contender for “most Earth-like” is Alderaan, which, although primarily mountainous, can be seen to have oceans, and has also be confirmed to have rain forests.
Lothal is another possibility. As we can see from this image of Lothal, it has decently large bodies of water, and otherwise seems to resemble Earth.
According to the sourcebook Nexus of Power, it has such varied terrain as savannahs, freshwater seas, small mountains, and prairies. However, it is not very urbanized.