(There is a TL;DR at the end for those who don't care about Sanskrit or grammar.)
Adamant's answer is pretty excellent, but as a holder of a BA in Sanskrit & Linguistics, perhaps I can add something. I failed two of my exams, but what can you do?
The question is:
DR. BANKS: Before you commit to him… ask him the Sanskrit word for “war” and its translation.
Now, if you search "war" in Vaman Shivram Apte's The Student's English - Sanskrit Dictionary you will get:
War, Warfare, s. विग्रहः, संप्रहारः, वैरारंभः, वैरं, संग्रामः, युद्धं, रणं, (a particular battle); 'w.-cry' सिंहनादः, क्ष्वेडा; 'w.-horse' वारकीरः. -v. i. विग्रह् 9 P, युध् 4 A, कृ with (s.). -like, a. रणप्रिय, युयुत्सु, युद्धदुर्दम; रणोत्सुक, रणवीर-शूर; 'w. qualities' क्षात्रधर्माः; 'w. tribe' क्षत्रियजातिः. 2 सांग्रामिक-सामरिक (की f.).
This would take a little decoding, but it's alright, because most of it isn't relevant. What it gives us is a list of the most commonly used words for 'war/warfare'. It should be noted that these words are ordered not according to frequency of use, but according to their roots. The precise ordering isn't made very clear in the introduction. The Sanskrit words for 'war', then, are:
विग्रह vigraha-, सम्प्रहार samprahāra-, वैरारंभ vairāraṃbha- (I can find no trace of this word), वैर vaira-, संग्राम saṃgrāma-, युद्ध yuddha-, and रण raṇa-.
I would tend to agree with Adamant that युद्ध yuddha- is the best translation of 'war'. Vālmīki's celebrated Rāmāyaṇa (the story of Rāma and Sītā), for example, includes a book called the युद्धकाण्ड Yuddha-Kāṇḍa, "The Book of War", or "The Book of Battle" and it is the book in which the great battle takes place.
युद्ध yuddha- comes from the root युध् yudh-, meaning "to fight, wage war, oppose or (rarely) overcome in battle". It is defined in Monier-Williams's well-used dictionary like this:
n. (ifc. f. ā) battle, fight, war, RV. &c. &c.;
What all of that means is that it's a neuter gender noun, which is found in Sanskrit literature from the Ṛg-Veda (the oldest extant Sanskrit work of any import) to, and I quote, "&c. &c." which presumably means it's found throughout Sanskrit literature. Don't worry what "(ifc. f. ā)" means, I promise you it's more effort to explain that it's worth.
However, the response is:
Gavisti. He says that means discussion. What do you say it means?
DR. BANKS: A desire for more cows.
How can this be?
Well, गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- is an old Sanskrit compound. Monier-Williams tells me that it's attested in the Ṛg-Veda, but it seems (and I could be wrong) like the word fell out of use and was not used in any texts more recent than the oldest known Sanskrit text.
The word is a compound of गो go- "ox, cow" and इष्टि iṣṭi- "seeking, going after" or "wish, request, desire". Monier-Williams defines गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- like this:
mfn. id., RV.; f. desire, eagerness, ardour, fervour, RV.; desire for fighting, ardour of battle, battle, RV.
The "id." means that गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- has the same meaning as गविष gaviṣá-, which has the same meaning as गविष् gavíṣ-: "wishing for cows, desirous (in general), eager, fervent".
So, judging by one of the premier Sanskrit dictionaries, गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- is a little-used, Vedic word that means "desiring cows" or "ardour of battle, battle". Which is great, it's an excellent little bit of linguistic fun.
I set out to see if I could find an example, and despite the reservations I expressed in a previous edit, I think I have found one (there may be a few others, but not many, I don't think).
This is the text of Ṛg-Veda 5.63.5:
रथं॑ युञ्जते म॒रुत॑ः शु॒भे सु॒खं शूरो॒ न मि॑त्रावरुणा॒ गवि॑ष्टिषु ।
रजां॑सि चि॒त्रा वि च॑रन्ति त॒न्यवो॑ दि॒वः स॑म्राजा॒ पय॑सा न उक्षतम् ॥ ५ ॥
5. Ráthaṃ yuñjate marútaḥ śubhé sukháṃ śū́ro ná mitrāvaruṇā gáviṣṭiṣu;
Rájāṃsi citrā́ ví caranti tanyávo diváḥ samrājā páyasā na ukṣatam.
I've added an image because it'll probably look awful in your browser:
The eminent Sanskritisit Ralph Griffith translates this verse:
- The Maruts yoke their easy car for victory, O Mitra-Varuna, as a hero in the wars.
The thunderers roam through regions varied in their hues. Imperial Kings, bedew us with the milk of heaven.
Link to a pdf. Follow the link and go to page 210. It's verse 5 of "[05-063] HYMN LXIII. Mitra-Varuna."
Śū́ro means "hero", ná means "like, as", mitrāvaruṇā can be translated "O Mitra-Varuṇa" (these are two Vedic deities and "together they uphold and rule the earth and sky, together they guard the world, together they promote religious rites, avenge sin, and are the lords of truth and light" to quote Monier-Williams) and, all in all, I think "in the wars" is shaping up to be a pretty good translation of gáviṣṭiṣu. Gáviṣṭiṣu is a "locative plural" form of gáviṣṭi- so it means "in the gáviṣṭi-s", whatever gáviṣṭi- means, and I think it's probably "war".
It may not be obvious here, the Maruts are "storm-gods" and the image, as is made apparent by the rest of the hymn, seems to be that of storm-gods hitching up their chariot (which I suppose is a cloud/the clouds, but I'm not an expert on Vedic religion), as a hero in the wars, and pulling it across the sky, to send rain down on the Earth, so long as Mitra and Varuṇa will it.
The only trouble is that the renowned Sanskrit commentator on the Ṛg-Veda Sāyaṇācārya seems to me to be reading गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- as simply "desiring cows", however, I'm very bad with commentaries, so I may be wrong.
So it's a bit of a stretch. It really does look like गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- can have the meaning "war", but it's not an obvious choice. Certainly, गविष्टि gáviṣṭi- is (by my lights) a poor translation for "war" in the general case. Which is to say, if you asked a Sanskrit teacher, how do you say "war" in Sanskrit, and they said gáviṣṭi-, I would be surprised. It would be like somebody asking you how to say 'baldness' and you offering up 'glabriety', which I'm told means "baldness". The point being, it seems contrived, the word was chosen because it made for a fun scene in the film, rather than because it was the natural choice. What's more, I haven't a clue where the potential meaning "discussion" comes from. But then I did fail two of my exams....