Actually, you will find no such mentions because the TIE fighter is not a shitty fighter.
The Empire bought a package of the Imperial Star Destroyer with Tie Fighters.
When they started to be mass produced, both the Imperial Star Destroyer and the Tie Fighter out classed almost anything flying in their respective category.
The imperial fleet kept the Tie Design simple, because they needed a cheap, fast, mass produced space superiority fighter.
The imperial doctrine was to use overly powerful massive weapons such as the Imperial Destroyer. Tie fighter were mostly here to protect them against lighter opponents.
Then with the Empire lack of concern for human live, and cheap, easily replaceable fighter, they used mass tactics.
Remember that the X-Wing was stolen from imperial labs. And it is the first fighter able to fight Tie fighters without horrendous casualties.
The Tie fighters appear to be some shit.
Because the Alliance relies on really powerful small starships.
They can't afford to loose a ship or a pilot as the Empire does.
Think of them like the British Army for many centuries. No one wished to join the army, so they had to be sure a maximum of soldiers survived and was cost effective.
I don't think it is a wild guess, but besides the Alliance and some well powered scum like Han Solo, no one was really able to fight Tie Fighters.
In order for you to see the relevance of my points. Let's just think about why the Tie fighter may be considered a weak fighters.
You need 2 things, an ennemy with fighters which outclass Tie Fighters, and he must have more battle experienced pilots.
So in the out of movies sources, it has to be with Rogue squadron.
It was created by Luke Skywalker after the Battle of Yavin.
I don't think rebel pilots think of imperial fighters as trash. But it is the turning point where the Alliance got better squadrons and more battle experienced pilots (because they survive the different battles).
You have many games featuring Rogue Squadron.
This feeling is reinforced in every battle occuring after the battle of Yavin.
And as it was said in others answers we may see, the imperial fighters totally outclassed at the battle of Endor.