The very short answer is that, at least according to the original script, Homestead II is already well under way in terms of colonisation efforts. The earlier colonists have built thriving cities with an eclectic mixture of frontier and modern technology.
VIDEO INSTRUCTOR: And none is more beautiful than Homestead II, the Jewel of the Occupied Worlds.
ONE HOUR LATER - Jim sits wearily, chin propped on his hand. The Video Instructor chatters on. Inspiring footage of Homestead II.
VIDEO INSTRUCTOR: ...thriving job markets in mining, farming and manufacturing. An explosion in the cultural arts. And if you long for
the life less civilized, you can apply for a pioneer permit and seek
your fortune in the wild.
Jim's skills as a engineer will be put to good use and they likely have medical technology that rivals that of Earth. On top of that, as a Homestead colony they would have unfettered access to the "proprietary" technology that the Homestead company uses to put people into hibernation.
WORKSTATION: Hibernation technology is proprietary. The following articles deal with the subject on a theoretical level.
As to the issue of whether someone on the crew can put people into hibernation, since we know that the Jim and Aurora can't be returned to hibernation despite finally gaining access to the crew (with Gus's wristband and crew access codes) it stands to reason that no-one in the crew possesses the ability and/or the ship lacks the technology needed to put someone into hibernation without docking at a colony world.