Throughout the Harry Potter movie series, Harry, played by Daniel Radcliffe, has an odd eye twitch. He seems to blink his right eye slightly before his left. This happens consistently throughout every movie.
Is there a canon reason for that or was it a movie choice? If a movie choice, then why?
I don't accept that it's in there without purpose. Directors are very detail oriented people. This has been present in every movie in the series, slipping past multiple directors. In interviews on YouTube, Daniel Radcliffe appears to blink normally. This leads me to believe that it is intentional. What I want to know is, why?
For reference, I consider canon to be anything from the books, JKR directly, or Pottermore. I will accept an answer that cites an interview with someone associated with the movies who says conclusively, "Yes, that is a Daniel Radcliffe thing." Blurry YouTube videos are not good evidence, since they differ: in some it looks like he is, in others, not so. Speculation is totally unwelcome and unacademic.
Edit 5.10.2012: I'm still looking for a conclusive answer to this question. I would give David Stratton the cigar, just for attempting to research the answer, but that doesn't help the community as much. If anyone can dredge up an interview with someone regarding this, I'd be glad to give them +25 rep. :)