In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 2 Episode 11: Lost Lightsaber, we are introduced to an elder Jedi named Tera Sinube, who is a Jedi Investigator that helped Padawan Ahsoka Tano to recover her lightsaber, which was stolen by a thief named Bannamu, after this point we don't hear anything about Tera Sinube anymore.
So my question is, how did the Clone Troopers find all the Jedi Investigators during Order 66 considering they are scattered around Coruscant helping the police. According to Wookieepedia they don't have any clone troopers with them so were they all in the Clone Wars or at the Jedi Temple during the Purge. It sounds like they are alive living in exile since they probably felt disturbances in the Force like Yoda did in Revenge of the Sith