The Daleks as a whole have some form of time travel technology. Without it, they could hardly have been a credible threat to the Time Lords, nor could they have waged a Time War.
We have never seen other Daleks use this technology (nor have we seen non-Daleks salvaging it from destroyed Daleks) so we don't know if this technology is built into all of the Daleks.
There are two possibilities:
a) All Daleks have this technology (as long as they were created or had their suits upgraded 'after' it was created). There's really no situations that I can recall where it would have been notably useful where it was not used. Most Daleks destroyed by surprise would not have been able to use it, and most Daleks aboard Dalek ships that were destroyed would not have seen the blast coming in time to use it. It's possible that this is 'standard' technology for a Dalek from the Time War era.
b) Only some Daleks possess this technology. The Cult of Skaro would be a good group to use this technology, given that they were vital to the Dalek cause. I would expect other Daleks in similar positions of power or with unique roles and/or responsibilities would also possess it. For example, Daleks in command of a fleet, or who have strategic command of a region might also be expected to have this built into their suits.
There is really no way to be sure, but now that the concept has been used once it is open to being used again.