In Spider Man 2 Peter is talking to Otto before an experiment. Peter, Otto, and his wife Rosie have this exchange:
ROSIE: You need to sleep soundly tonight, Otto.
OTTO: Did Edison sleep before he turned on the light? Did Marconi sleep before he turned on the radio? Did Beethoven sleep before he wrote the 5th?
PETER : Did Bernoulli sleep before he found the curves of quickest descent?
OTTO: Rosie, I love this boy.
I can't figure out what Peter is saying. He's delivering the line like he's proving Otto wrong and Bernoulli somehow slept before or in order to discover the curves of quickest descent. From what I can gleam from Wikipedia, Bernoulli sent a challenge out to the mathematics community, got promising answers from several mathematicians, and then published his combined findings. Nothing in particular stands out as requiring or being related to sleep.