I remember that the bad guy had resurrected some kind of zombie and had pinned one of the main characters in a basement then stuck the boy's hand in a flask of liquid nitrogen. All of his fingers except the index and thumb were frozen off. Then one of the girls comes in and throws a ton of beads on the floor and the zombie starts obsessively counting them, letting the two escape.
He goes back to a pawn shop from earlier in the book and buys this steampunk prosthetic glove thing with removable fingers that he then wears.
I remember the front cover was him with his metal hand and steampunk goggles.
There was also a bit where he gets a candle made from the hand of a murderer. A woman gave it to him because she read his tarot cards and they seemed bad.
Edit: more information, I'm 70% sure the cover had a pale blue background. Also it was a children's/teens book with a definite steampunk theme all the way through.
Also the city it's set in uses a weird way to measure time. They have various strange words to describe how far though a day they are.
Edit 2: of the two girls one was wealthy and very bookish. She's the one that tips out the bag of beads to distract the zombie, she read it in a book. The other one is a bit younger, she's a bit wild and a bit of a thief. At the end of the book girl1 works out that the zombie is girl2s brother. Allowing girl2 to control it and force it to kill itself.