In the Series 3 two-parter "Human Nature" and "The Family of Blood", the Doctor uses something called a chameleon arch to make himself human. In the Series 3 finale, a similar device is used by the Master, again to make himself human.
But Time Lords look human anyway, so the only thing it needed to do in these cases was to rearrange their internal metabolism a bit; their outer appearance was identical to their Time Lord form. Can the chameleon arch do more than this? Could it make a Time Lord look like an Ood, or a Sontaran, or a Dalek? How much can it change their bodies?
I've probably seen all the on-screen appearances of the chameleon arch (unless it was a device recycled from Old Who?), but DW canon is so massive and multi-levelled that there may well be more information out there in some novel or comic or audiobook or goodness knows what.