In the original Battlestar Galactica series, they come across the destroyer for the Eastern Alliance. Are there any official technical specs for the destroyer at all? I know they mention star speed, however no explanation I have seen mentions how fast that is. Maybe light speed? I read that they had a crew of six or seven, meaning they are on watch all the time, which makes no sense at all to me.
1 Answer
I never had the impression that it could go that fast as in light speed. The term "star speed" may be used as to indicate a sub light speed which is what I gathed where their level of technology is at possibly. I also presume that the Eastern Alliance technology is on par with the West. Apollo mentioned that the Galactica was capable of getting to Terra at light speed and he recieved a surprised response by Western officials stating that he had space vessels that were capable of attaining light speed.
1This seems pretty speculative. A good answer should be based on something more concrete than impressions or presumptions. The question specifically asked if there were any official tech specs for the Destroyer. Commented Jan 18, 2023 at 2:06