Somewhere, probably in some Doctor Who book imported from Britain in the 1980s, I read a story about the daleks trying to conquer London. I remember being excited about a new official dalek adventure, but as I read I experienced two let-downs. First, I quickly realized that the Doctor wasn't present in the story, just some Londoners who had discovered the daleks invasion force while they were poking around in the famous London sewers. Second, I realized that that group of protagonists were kids, probably preteens, which totally killed my suspension of disbelief.
The dalek invasion plan involved planting magnetic bombs on various sites around the city. One of the kids has the bright idea (missed by all the adults) of attaching an explosive to the daleks' ship before it takes off. Boom, no more daleks.
I would like to find this again, not really for me, but my kids might enjoy it, since they do like the daleks.