Houyhnhnm - Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Rohirrim - The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien
I have been reading Jonathan Swift's excellent Gulliver's Travels, and one of the many strange peoples described in the book are the Houyhnhnm, who are talking horse-people.
Since I'm a non-native English speaker, the two words sounds much alike. However, I cannot find any cross-reference between the two fictional peoples, nor can I tell whether Tolkien had read Swift's book.
Apart from the obvious horse reference and bizarre name resemblance, are there any other characteristics that we can use to link them? Is it possible Tolkien just liked how the name sounded and tried to use it for a totally different (horse) people, or did the writers just get both names from the same source/reference/root?