A Deeper Sea by Alexander Jablokov
According to the blurb:
In the year 2015, a dolphin researcher with dubious motives removes
the barriers impeding human/delphine communications and transforms the
ocean-dwelling creatures into cybernetic weapons of destruction.
Other details from a review:
Five years later, the world's superpowers are at war - and Stasov
[the research scientist] has transformed his dolphins into deadly
armored cyborgs designed to wreak havoc on the ocean-going vessels of
his nation's enemies.
But his control over the events he has set in motion is rapidly
eroding. For the dolphins have their own agenda that transcends the
petty hostilities and self-serving greed of human beings.
tvtropes briefly mentions the whale and its mission:
The novel involves a whale being turned into a spacefaring cyborg to
fulfill a religious prophecy of the dolphins, with whom man has
learned to communicate.
Another reviewer sheds a little more light:
A tormented Russian scientist, who drafted dolphins as soldiers in
human wars, becomes convinced that a whale and a dolphin are the
pre-ordained interpreters who will allow humans to communicate with
alien intelligence living near Jupiter.
By creating a cyborg “whale” to survive in Jupiter’s atmosphere, the scientist accomplishes his feat only by deceiving the robotic whale
into believing that he is still swimming in an Earthly sea.