Need help with this: what is the translation of this text?
Also, is it real text, and which of Tolkien's languages is it in?
A Spanish/native speaker gave it to me, so it is possible that the text means something in Spanish.
Need help with this: what is the translation of this text?
Also, is it real text, and which of Tolkien's languages is it in?
A Spanish/native speaker gave it to me, so it is possible that the text means something in Spanish.
Seems like a Spanish sentence written letter-by-letter using elvish characters (following a custom mode with a few unusual letter conversions):
?pu?eres compartir tus
momentos con los mi??os
which according to Google translate should mean more or less "[?] share your moments with the [?]".
The glyphs for the vowels are almost the usual ones (as @JeffZeitlin pointed out, the ones for o
and u
are swapped), placed on the consonant following it (as in Sindarin).
... or maybe I'm just seeing patterns in random noise :-)
The calligraphic style appears to be similar to that of the inscription inside the One Ring; however, the first character is not identifiable when compared with the Tengwar at Omniglot. When attempting to transliterate in either Quenya or Sindarin/Edhellen mode, I got almost-but-not-quite pronounceable nonsense, so I presume that this was just semi-random text meant to look pretty.
[EDIT: Modulo some minor misidentification of some glyphs, lfurini's transliteration actually seems to be close.]