The X-Files Season 11 is currently airing on television. The first episode, "My Struggle III", featured the following major plot twist:
The Cigarette-Smoking Man reveals to Skinner that Mulder is not the father of Scully's son William. In fact, the Smoking Man is William's father.
He further explains that
he impregnated Scully (unbeknownst to her) using "alien science"
while the two were alone on a trip in the Season 7 episode "En Ami".
This provides a new explanation for
Scully's ability to conceive despite having been declared barren due to the effects of her alien abduction in Season 2.
To me, "En Ami" always felt a little out of place: its plot was related at least superficially to the "mytharc" but it seemed to be more of a standalone episode. Also, the odd scene where
Scully wakes up without her clothes in the Smoking Man's chalet
was never revisited (until now).
Note also that "En Ami" was the 15th episode of Season 7, while "All Things", in which we see the first suggestion that Scully and Mulder might have a romantic relationship, was the 17th episode. It thus seems possible that
"En Ami" was purposefully situated at a point in the season that would coincide with the timing of William's conception.
Was the recent plot twist planned as early as Season 7 or is it a purely new invention by the creative staff?