In Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, the young Anakin Skywalker is discovered on Tatooine by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who immediately recognize in him a powerful Force potential - even his blood, when examined, reveals that Anakin has an unusual large amount of midichlorians. On Coruscant, even the Jedi Masters of the Council seem to recognize this great power and Force potential.
The only one who does not seem to notice this at all is Palpatine. One would imagine that being himself a (powerful) Force user, he should have been able to at least sense something unusual about the young boy.
He is present at the platform when Anakin arrives on Coruscant with the Nabooian ship, but he doesn't really seem to give the boy much attention; he does not seem to sense anything.
The same thing happens at the end of the movie, during the celebrations on Naboo, Palpatine has a few words for Anakin but again he behaves naturally, without anything that could make one think that he has sensed something unusual.
Why is that so? Was Palpatine really unable to sense Anakin's strong Force? Was he concealing his feelings (and avoided showing himself surprise or concerned) in order not to betray himself? What was going on?