A research scientist on a newly discovered planet inhabited by only animals and strange large plants discovers aliens have landed on the forest world. She hides out among the plants and sabotages the aliens’ plan for an invasion of the Earth.
***I read this novel sometime in the nineteen-seventies, so that the one scene in the book that I can remember in detail is when the scientist was traveling to her established outpost to set off a warning system. She was nearly seen by an alien scout ship above, so she hid herself in a large bulbous plant.
When she crawled into the bulb of the plant, it closed over her like it did to the flying "birds" she had observed on the world. She was dusted by pollen during her stay in the soft cushioned inside of the plant where she drank collected rain water purified by the plant, and slept for a few hours. To get out of the plant, she rubbed the sides of the bulb like she had seen the birds do on the outside with their beaks, and it opened up, clearing the way for her to quickly travel by the vines of the plants through the forest. Camouflaged, she arrived at her outpost unseen, but the aliens had set up camp … and they were looking for her.