Years ago, when I was a child (around 10-12, I guess - the mid 1980s), I read a relatively short book - it might have been a children/young adult book - that I have never since been able to recall the name of, nor the name of the author. Can anyone help me out?
The story describes the daily life of a girl (it might actually be in diary form now that I think of it), apparently living alone on a planet. I seem to recall some sort of discussion partner, it might have been a computer or robot or just a smart house.
Anyway, the main point of the story is that aliens land a distance away from her. She spies on them and describes them (the narrative is in first person, even if it was not actually in diary form). Along with these observations, we get more about her daily life and details start to appear and add up. For instance, she, matter-of-factly, mentions her nictitating membranes! Also, the descriptions of the aliens seem more and more familiar.
You have probably realised by now where this is going and the plot twist is indeed that she is an alien and the newcomers are humans. This is of course not a terribly novel twist (it is a Tomato Surprise in TVTropes vernacular) but it was quite effective on me as a child.
I would love to re-read it as an adult, can anyone identify what book I am talking about?