Towards the end of Book 1, Albus Dumbledore takes a broom to the Ministry of Magic whereas he could have Apparated. Then he somehow decides to return midway and simply knows Harry went after the stone without anyone needing to inform him and just arrives in time to take Harry to the infirmary.
Then there’s the fact that despite being able to detect magical signatures he failed to recognise Lord Voldemort’s presence. Also we have to ponder the nature of the obstacles: Fluffy, Devil's Snare, Flying keys, A Giant Chess Board, A test of logic and finally the Mirror of Erised. Harry receives a flute on Christmas from Hagrid, Devil's Snare is a plant known by first-graders, Harry is an amazing Seeker, Ron is a chess prodigy and Hermione is the smartest witch of their year. Does this seem like a set-up to you? Was Dumbledore risking Harry's life to test if he was capable enough? All facts recounted from memory so obviously I failed to add the specific quotes and some facts may be wrong but I believe most of them are right.