I'm looking for a trilogy of books that I was reading at school, back in the early- to mid-2000's. The school library had all three so I guess they might have been published a couple years before that.
The main bits I remember are, the book covers each had a different colour with a large symbol/rune.
I think there were magic books which the main character had to collect?
I can kind of remember some bits of the story:
I think the character had to go into some sort of labyrinth or series of rooms to retrieve something or talk to someone.
I remember him traveling by boat through the land.
There was some sort of 'magical site' and he had to cast a spell there, or protect something from his enemies. I remember that being a major event, possibly in book 1.
I never read the last book, I think someone borrowed it from the library and never returned it.
I live in England, and I read it in English.
The book covers were a solid background of colour, one was dark blue/purple. another was red and yellow I think. But I remember the blue one most. Maybe that was the first or second book?
I think there was a circle symbol and a triangle symbol, don't remember the third.
I think it was a medieval setting.