Being that Hulk gets stronger when he gets angrier, how was Thanos able to knock Hulk out with such ease and why did Hulk not get more angry and increase his strength when fighting Thanos? From what I can see, Thanos did not use the Power Stone in the Infinity Gauntlet.
So how does Thanos beat hulk with such ease with ease?
I just want add some of the extreme strength feats comic Hulk has performed and to show that Hulk is an extremely strong being.
- Held a planet together
- Tore the fabric of reality
- Destroyed an asteroid twice the size of Earth
- Held up a star's weight
- Withstood a hundred trillion ton punch
- Held up a Celestial
Ever since posting this question I have been bothered by the fight between Hulk and Hulkbuster. In that scene some of the hits that the Hulk took, knocked him hundreds of feet away and to do that requires a whole lot of force, but in the Thanos fight scene, none of the punches really knock him that far and seem to be rather soft (like the one punch where Thanos hits him in the shoulder that really seems to hurt him, it does not knock him for hundreds of feet as a really powerful punch would, he takes it and just seems really hurt) compared to the punches received by Stark in the Hulkbuster suit. I just wanted to add this to the question that as really does seem that Hulk is defeated way to easily.
I just don't think it is as a skilled fighter as Stark in the Hulkbuster suit layed him out with what seemed with way more powerful hits than Thanos did.