Both in the comic book series The Infinity Gauntlet and its film adaptation Avengers: Infinity Wars does Thanos

kill half the population of the universe.

Are there any differences in deaths between the two events?

I'm primarily interested in named characters that exist and are seen or referenced in both the comics and the films. I'm not interested in any other deaths than Thanos' finger snap.

  • One big difference: In comics, snap kicks half of population of the universe out of existence instantly without any disintegration effect and dust.. Also, everyone dies simultaneously.
    – Dr. Doom
    Commented Nov 15, 2018 at 14:43

1 Answer 1


I'm primarily interested in named characters that exist and are seen or referenced in both the comics and the films.

There are significant differences in the comic and movie. The snap is the instigating factor in the comic run and the snap happens almost at the end of Issue #1 when Thanos already has the fully-loaded gauntlet. There's no fight to stop him as such, just to undo the snap (Avengers 4?).

Fortunately, Cap has a recap of missing heroes (so far) in Issue #2 of The Infinity Gauntlet. enter image description here

Other than that:

Hero Comics Films
Vision ok destroyed
Scarlet Witch not snapped snapped
Spider-man not snapped snapped
Black Panther snapped snapped
Drax not snapped snapped
Dr. Strange not snapped snapped
Hawkeye snapped not snapped
Nick Fury not snapped snapped
Nebula not snapped not snapped

These relate to snapped deaths etc at the start of the the comic Infinity War. That's not to say that the "currently OK" heroes don't perish during the comic IW.

  • 5
    This is where Cap’s day job as an illustrator really came in handy! “The entire universe is in peril! I must assemble the remaining Avengers and put together a mood board!” Commented Nov 14, 2018 at 17:02
  • 2
    I think Hawkeye can be updated based on the Endgame trailer. Commented Dec 16, 2018 at 12:46

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