Quite a while ago I saw on YouTube (?) a video, where we see from behind a glass a room for focus group/interrogation/group therapy, with several people around a table taking turns and telling their stories, feelings, etc. But when it comes to the last guy, once he starts talking, the "camera" starts glitching as if because of some impulse, the guy becomes more and more frantic, and, to the horror of the others, he starts turning into some different shapes looking like black ferromagnetic liquid with spikes, needles etc., and this spiky blob jumps over the ceiling and the walls keeping to scream incoherently with the guy's voice. I remember some phrases were: "I'm the medium! I'm the message!".
In the end I realised it was kind of an ad for some mobile phone (?) or some big high-tech brand (Philips, Samsung?). I desperately need this visual reference for one project.