Becky Chambers's A Closed and Common Orbit is a sequel, more or less, to her The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. In that book,
Jenks and Pepper, illegally and with difficulty, obtain a human-like body to put the ship's AI Lovelace in. Then Lovelace is reset, losing her memories and personality and becoming, essentially, a different person. Jenks's friends want to get Lovelace off the ship to avoid tormenting Jenks.
In A Closed and Common Orbit, Lovelace (later called Sidra) is in a human-like body. Since the circumstances are changed so much, why has she still been put in this body--which causes lots of difficulties, being illegal--a secret that must be hidden--and is difficult to adjust to? Was it just because Jenks and Pepper had spent so much money and gone to so much trouble, and had the body lying around? Were
Jenks's friends
in such a hurry to get Lovelace off the ship they couldn't wait a little for a legal solution? Couldn't Lovelace be put in a shuttlecraft or a hard drive or something?