I couldn't remember anything more than what stated in the title. There are several kinds of flowers, each one gives people a different kind of skill: strength, intelligence etc. It's not really superpower, but exceed the ability of the best human. If I remember correctly, this was not about superhero with cap and mask etc, just about the flowers that give people special ability.
Thanks @Jenayah, I watched it in 1990 or earlier. It was a TV series for kids (I was a kid when I watched it). I'm 90% sure it was from Eastern Europe, but it might also be made in Soviet Union. At the beginning the protagonist had brought back one or two flowers from somewhere, but then more people went there and brought back more kinds of flowers. He had a rival, who were a really annoying boy, but his father was the true antagonist. I can only remember two scenes:
- The annoying boy, who was often lazy and dump, sniffed a flower, and became super smart.
- His father sniffed a flower, and flipped like a gymnast.
- His mother was also bad, but I didn't remember what she did.
The ability given by the flower only lasted for a period of time.
Update 2
This is an unrelated TV series, but I believe I also watched around the same time (same year or not too far). The themes were also similar, some kids with fancy stuffs. I guess they were imported from the same country.