I've for some time now been trying to track down a graphic novel published most likely in the 90's as I read it in the mid to late nighties in my school library.
From what I remember, the main character was a grumpy half-elf character who wore all black, Three Musketeers-style boots, a big cloak and a large hat much like a witch hunter and was armed with a crossbow. He had a stealthy-assail-type vibe.
There was also a female queen character who wore armour I think he assisted, reminiscent of Joan of Arc. There was a scene where she is addressing a crowd of townsfolk, someone throws an egg at her, she catches it and crushes it. I think she had black hair and large plated armour on her shoulders.
There were also elves in the world that the bounty hunter visited in a woodland setting; they sniffed from cauldrons and were seemingly addicted to magic or "the dreaming", as they called it.
The art work style was painted, not too dissimilar to Simon Davis's style from Slaine, if anything, maybe a little more painterly and less hyper real.
Stylistically the magical world was reminiscent in it's portrayal of peasants and gentry a little like Revolution-era France.
I read the book in the UK. It was relatively slim around A4 in size and probably a part of a larger series of graphic novels.