I remember playing a game when I was young, probably around 15-18 years ago.

It was some sort of an RTS-style game that took place in the sky. You could collect these crystal-like things from nodes that also floated around. And if I remember correctly, could construct an entire base in the sky.

More things I remember:

  • I think you had some sort of mules that could collect the crystals from the nodes.
  • I think you also had enemies on separate "islands". I think one of them was a scorpion-like enemy.
  • You could build bridges in the sky. I remember that after some time, some bridges would collapse.
  • Top-down view

1 Answer 1


Sounds like Netstorm: Islands at War.

  • Played 15 to 18 years ago - it was released in 1997, so entirely possible
  • Took place in the sky - check
  • Collect crystals - check
  • Construct bases - well, towers
  • Had mules - the workers were horse/mule type characters
  • Enemies on separate islands - check
  • Scorpion-like enemy - I could see how some of the enemies could resemble a robot scorpion.
  • build bridges - check, that would fall down: they could be taken over, I can't remember if they could be destroyed.
  • Top-down view - see below:

Top-down view of the edge of a map, depicting a floating island with several constructions Netstorm poster, night sky with a lightning bolt

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