After a bit of a look around and trying to remember what the different colour schemes were I have found out the following. However, they might not be exact ones because of this but I think they are pretty much right and were the ones shown.
Red/Black - Ms. Marvel
This is a reference to Carol's origins as Ms. Marvel.
Click to enlarge.
Black/Silver - Monica Rambeau
This is a reference to when Monica, yes the young Monica we see in the film, takes up the mantle as Captain Marvel.
Click to enlarge.
Black/Neon - Monica Rambeau/Spectrum?
This one is probably not a reference to anything in particular and is more there for "fun". However, Monica also has the current alias "Spectrum" in the comics so this suit could be a reference to the name as it is a "spectrum of colours".
Green/White - Mar-Vell
This is almost certainly a reference to Mar-Vell's original white and green costume, the knowing look by Carol when Monica selects it hints at this as well.
Click to enlarge.