This radio drama was about a young man who can't remember his name and is stranded on a planet run by robots. I think it's a mining operation. Earlier, it is revealed he was injured when his ship crashed/landed on this robot planet. So he had been unconscious for some time. He is frustrated to find that only robots populate the planet.
He comes across a girl and they both fight to get off the planet. They have some teleportation device they try to keep from the robots. At the end of one episode (the only one I ever heard) she tells him his real name. I think it was David. He and the girl get along but there is friction between them as well. He doesn't trust her.
At some point the planet is going to be attacked by another race. Also, there is some other creature/being with a very odd voice and manner of speaking. The boy and girl befriend him/her but leave that creature behind when they teleport away after activating the device. The boy hides the device in the rocks.
This radio drama seemed to be made in the 70s or 80s judging by the sound design. I heard it on a playlist on the now defunct radio streaming site It didn't seem to be taken from any of the series such as CBS Mystery Theater, X Minus One, Dimension X or any other series I know of.