I've searched several different ways and I find what look like they could be references to the line I am thinking of, but I can't find an authoritative reference.
I am remembering an audio media story circa mid 1970's that could have been a radio play or possibly an album or single and possibly performed by The Firesign Theatre or some similar group.
These types of works were listened to in situations where memory was detrimentally impacted.
The only thing I remember now is (most of) the last line:
That's no (inanimate object), that's my WIFE!
The inanimate object was a chair or a toaster or a radio or something mundane. For some reason I think it might have been three syllables long.
Addressing topicality as science fiction, I am 90%+ sure that at some point during the story the main character's wife was transformed into the inanimate object via some technology. The exclamation of surprise upon recognizing that the inanimate object was originally the main character's wife is a good clue that she was not an inanimate object when they were first married.