There is no hard evidence on this but we can infer from Thanos' intentions for his snap what happened. Thanos wants to kill half of all life on a planet over the entire universe. We know this because it is what he used to do.
Gamora: The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal: To bring balance to the Universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre...
Avengers: Infinity War
Taking that in conjunction with the below quote and it makes sense it wiped out 50% of all life on each planet.
Thanos: Little one, it's a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.
Avengers: Infinity War
So we've established he's killing half of all life across the universe on each planet but what about on the planetary level. Well it wouldn't make much sense to wipe out 100% of a species and not touch another species considering he's trying to balance out life to make resources last. Therefore, it must be 50% of each species being wiped out.
Moving to the species level and we have a nice quote from Thanos how the 50% is calculated.
Thanos: But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass.
Avengers: Infinity War
This means that for each species he is only randomly wiping out 50% of them. With a few billion people it would be somewhat uniform across the planet but it won't be exactly 50% in each area because it is random. Therefore, we can say it will be roughly 50% in any given area but considering it's random we can't say anything with certainty and as far as I know we have no official information on how uniform it is.
For example, the Barton family is all wiped out except for Clint and they live in the middle of nowhere in a safe house so their distribution is more heavily skewed, 80% snapped. Whereas if we look at the Blip video in Spider-Man: Far From Home we see it looks to be roughly 50% of those in the gym vanishing (haven't counted to be accurate).
Essentially the more people, the close the percentage should be to 50% but like I said it's random so we can't say with any confidence what the percentage is in any given area.
It's also worth noting that in an early version of the script the memorials were shown to be in every city. If the effects of the snap weren't too uniform the likelihood is that these wouldn't have been in every city. As it was cut we don't get to see them but the impression I get from the below quote is all the memorials were similar. This would suggest a similar scale of dustings across the country which suggests uniformity.
And that theme of loss is continued when Scott Lang visits a memorial to the dead in San Francisco.
McFEELY We used to have beats in the script where there are those in every city. Millions of names.
MARKUS It’s that sense of collective trauma and the fact that if you weren’t killed, you wake up the next day — the trauma happened and I’m still here. How do we deal with this? That was the Stan Lee trick. Where’s the anxiety coming from? Now that they have Power X.
The New York Times, ‘Avengers: Endgame’: The Screenwriters Answer Every Question You Might Have