In Season 1 Episode 6, "Jason Todd", of the live-action Titans (2018) series, the new Robin (Jason Todd) rescues Dick at Dr. Adamson's apartment. In the conversation between them that followed, Dick says:
Dick: He lets you drive the Batmobile? Wouldn't you rather have your own name? Like "Sparrow" or "Blue Jay," for "Jason"?
Jason: Fuck, no. The whole point is being Robin. Batman needs Robin.
Dick: Why do you think he makes us wear those lame colors? 'Cause we're drawing fire. "Look over here, assholes!" Then boom, the Bat lands and starts trashing ass.
Titans: Season 1 Episode 6 ("Jason Todd")
Was this comment by Dick, taken/inspired from the comics where Dick (or any other Robin) said something similar?
Looking for the story arc where this happened.