A friend of mine swears this exists, and has for years, in which case I thought:
- It would have to be a fan made story of sorts, such as doujinshi or fan made video. No such officially sanctioned comic or story---- at least, not far as I have been able to research---- exists, even within the Amalgam universe. The same friend showed me some fan art online some years back, but there was a lot of it, from a few different sources, and there is fan art for almost every possible thing, now. None of that, however, counts as an actual published or broadcast story.
Or the other possibility...
- There was some little-known hero of a totally different name, who had a similar aesthetic to a combination of Batman/Spider-Man, and he [my buddy] got this mixed up with the originals. This can happen; at one point I originally thought Shadow Hawk was a new version of Wolverine due to their similar looks.It was the 90s/2000s, and a certain type of ""extreme look" was pretty popular in comics at the time..
Adding to this is the fact that Stan "The Man" Lee himself did! actually do a re-imagining of some DC icons, including Batman. This Batman had no Spider-Man powers, or powers of any kind, though....
I've never known my buddy, a comic geek in his own right, to make such mistakes, though. So I'm wondering if anyone knows if:
(a) an actual story where Batman got spider-like powers exists?
(b) if there was some short lived, small time, unofficial or fan made comic/film where such a character was shown?