In Pre-70s science-fiction short story: "Cracker for my Megatherium?", user VWFeature asked a question about a story they read. As I read the question I was reminded of two separate classic stories. So I think that maybe VWFeature remembers two separate stories as one.
As I read the synopsis of the story, the details kept reminding me of a Poul Anderson story whose title I didn't remember. Most of the plot is very similar to what I remember from that Poul Anderson story.
So VWFeature is correct to identify the main details as coming from "Turning Point" which was first published in the May, 1963 issue of If and reprinted many times.
But the last words of the story as VWFeature remembers them - "Twenty years later, it didn't seem so funny." - strongly remind me of another classic science-fiction story.
So does anyone else remember the other classic science-fiction story with a somewhat similar theme, that I think that the last line VWFeature remembers came from?
Twenty years later, it didn't seem so funny.