I was reading a review of Color out of Space at Ars Technica and some of the commenters were really up in arms about Lovecraft's racism.
Now, I don't doubt the man was racist and that above the average for his contemporaries, which was itself a depressingly high bar to match. He had a high output of letters and his racism is not in dispute – I have heard of it for a long time, nor am I defending it.
But, specifically when it comes to African-Americans, how much of that made it into his stories? One caveat there: it isn't really sufficient to point to an instance where an African-American character is "just" routinely belittled or disparaged, because there are many, many, cases where Lovecraft talks up imbecility or inbreeding when referring a character's ethnic group or community and a lot of that concerns Caucasians, and not necessarily only those who get too frisky with fish.
But, yes, granted that Lovecraft was a bigot and a racist, which of his published stories gives a good unequivocal example of it? His equivalent of the Merchant of Venice, if you will.
Wikipedia barely mentions it and really only refers to an article about award statuettes, which in turn mentions a poem. One could argue that, whatever his literary merits and contributions, this aspect might be covered a bit more there.
Edit: I am not trying to witchhunt or boycott HPL. I have enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy, his writings. Still, an important consideration, if you are really interested in him, is the aspect of his racism and I posted this because I was curious to see what we knew about it. The man had a some other mental issues, such as an extreme phobia of the sea, IIRC. An interesting author, certainly with feet of clay.