I'm looking for the title of an old TV series that I watched on TV in the late '70s or early '80s; the show wasn't much older. Perhaps it was a movie, but I'm inclined to think it was a mini series. It was set either in a fantasy world or in some unexplored land on Earth; I seem to remember it was the latter but couldn't swear to it.
All I can remember is one scene, which made a deep impression on younger me: the main character(s) have been taken prisoner by the only or the most powerful people living there, which is your run-of-the-mill fantasy civilization, with a slight far-Eastern vibe.
All these people wear elaborate masks, resembling black samurai helms; at one point one of the prisoners wants to see their face and strips a guard of his own mask, exposing a very deformed face. I cannot remember if they wore the masks because they were disfigured or if the masks they wore forever disfigured their faces.
By style it might recall Shogun, the 1980 mini series with Richard Chamberlain; but I watched this show recently again and it isn't the one I'm looking for.