I have seen a lot of Star Trek fanart that shows Spock blushing with his cheeks flushed green. I'm aware that his half-Vulcan biology gives him copper-based, green tinted blood, so the coloring makes sense. But are there any canon sources on full-Vulcans (or Romulans, since they share common ancestry) having the physical ability to blush, and if they do, do their faces turn green in the same way human faces flush pink/red when we blush? Several people in the comments have pointed out that the average Vulcan wouldn't flush as it is an emotional response, what about body flushing, as a physiological response to illness or exertion?
potentially NSFW text below
In addition, are human and Vulcan's sexual response cycles similar enough that a Vulcan's skin would turn greener during sexual intercourse (ex: male Vulcans have green-tinted erections, Vulcans of various sexes getting a green-tinted sex flush across their chest)?