I’m trying to identify a film I probably saw in the 70s or 80s. The protagonist is a young man who has had spy gear implanted to allow an un-named agency to see through his eyes. The problem with the technology is that if his eyes go without light stimulation for more than a few seconds, he will go blind. I believe the action takes place somewhere in Europe.
I would have seen the film in English, possibly dubbed. I don’t think it had sub-titles, though I could be wrong about this.
I remember a few specific scenes:
- He is arrested (for some petty crime, not spying) and thrown in an otherwise unoccupied prison. His jailers turn the lights off for the night. He lies that he is deathly afraid of the dark and begs them to leave the lights on. After a few seconds, the lights come back on and he collapses in relief.
- He’s in a forest, or at least outside, at night and using a flashlight to shine light in his eyes every few seconds. It’s implied that he never sleeps.
- Near the end of the film, he’s connected with a woman and confided in her. They are in the dark and she drops his flashlight in the grass. He panics and yells for her to find it quickly. She eventually finds it and shines it in his face but he continues to yell for her to find it: it’s too late.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to come up with a good internet search for this. Anyone know the film I’m talking about?